Work Experience Degrees or Life Experience Degrees is a new form of online degree education that gives opportunity to rise up in a career which would otherwise not be possible for millions of competent working individuals. Continuing education at an accredited institution or obtaining an accredited degree can be one of the ways that could land a promotion at your work place or get you the job of your dreams

If you have seriously been considering about improving your wages or further your education without having to go to class, this is the right place for you. Everybody wants to have a well paying job. And to get a well paid job you will need master degree and if you don’t have enough time to complete it then you can buy master degree. They may have the required experience but lack the right qualification. In addition, managing between class room, social life and family become very complex. That is the reason why credit for life experience was created. Getting a credited life experience degree is the best available option for people who are engaged in work and family life and therefore can not attend classes.  

The only requirements to get an accredited life experience degree are experience in particular job area, computer and internet connectivity. And based on your overall experience you can buy university degree. We have variety of online life experience degrees to suite anybody in any line of profession. On registration for Our Accredited life experience degree, students get access to free face to face communication with instructor and students. Communications can also be made through emails, instant messaging, bulleting boards and cat rooms. 

All valid degrees are accredited. Accreditation is simply the process of getting the public to have confidence on what you offer. This pretty much the case with our degrees.  You can also consider for online associate degree. provide quality life experience education and continually work to improve our effectiveness and overall student satisfaction. Because of our commitment to commitments, our degrees are reorganized by most authorities’ worldwide.   

The key skill subjects or specialization areas available are information technology, application of numbers, media and communication. Other areas include problem solving, working with others and improving personal learning and performance. You chose the level of study that best suit your schedule. Skill levels range from 1 to 4 of the national qualification framework (NQF). There are different choices of subject at different level. Individuals can chose subjects that best suit them. As a student, you get help on how the different types of qualifications available compare. The comparison is based on the demands that the subjects place on the learners.

There are three main skill tests. For each that one sits for, there are external bodies that mark and award marks accordingly. Most tests take 90 minutes with theory and practical sessions. In levels 1 and 2 the test consists of multiple questions, usually 40, with each question having four possible answers. Level three tests take 90 minutes while level 4 requires two and a half hours. Both the practical and theory question are done online. Retakes are available any time and you can take them as many times as you like.

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